Neil Hesketh recently talked on the “Good Morning Spain” show episode 66 about plans to enforce low emission zones (LEZs or ZBEs by their Spanish initials) for cars, largely starting in 2025. These zones are being introduced in Spain to reduce air pollution and improve the environment. Cars that produce a lot of pollution, usually older models, will face restrictions. Some may have to pay extra charges to drive in these areas, while others might not be allowed in at all.
Neil explained that this doesn’t only affect big cities like Barcelona or Madrid but that towns where there is a population of more than 50 000 residents have to put these zones in place, which is a lot of towns in Spain where foreigners live. He strongly suggests that it’s important that the people are aware that this is going on, it would prevent lots of confusion and misunderstanding for the people. Only certain parts of towns will be affected and the rules vary by each area – so be aware.

The introduction of LEZs had many positive sides but also big changes for a lot of residents. This is because only 10% of the cars in Spain that are being sold are pure battery based; there is still a big percentage that utilises diesel based cars compared to other countries.
Neil highlights the importance for stickers on your car for when you cross these zones. That way you and the authorities would be able to identify if your car is allowed in these zones. There are four types of stickers, the 0 stickers which are battery based, second there’s the eco sticker which includes plug-in hybrid and gas cars. Then there’s the yellow stickers which are for patrol cars from 2009 and diesel cars from 2006. last but not least the green sticker which includes patrol from 2006 and diesel from 2015. NICOLE for this part in Red above, I strongly suggest she sees the full list of categories on this website. Just cut and paste their text and reorder. I was just giving main category examples for each sticker on the show. Each one is a bit more complex.

While in many towns having a sticker may not be obligatory (as cameras will take a picture of your number plate and check a central database for what type of car it is), it is a very good idea just to get a sticker to avoid any confusion and if you go to an unknown area. Cars that don’t fall into the above categories don’t have a right to a sticker and you should research well which areas in your locality you will be allowed into or not and when. Normally this will be the densest parts of town.
You are able to get these stickers at your post office (Correos) for 5 euros. Take along the personal ID of the owner (TIE card or passport/national ID with European green certificate of residency for EU citizens) as well as your vehicle log document from the car. Post office staff can check the government database using your registration number to see which sticker you are due if you do not know yourself. You can also get a sticker for the same price at most reputable vehicle mechanics and repair workshops in Spain.